
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last week, Judy asked me to write a story about commitment. I don't know why, but she just did. Here's my spin on what that thing is. This is a story about a boy, Kristoff, and his undying commitment for Taylor, his girlfriend. I thought that I'd keep the story simple, so please try to enjoy!

Yesterday, it was all about the aphids. Kristoff saw them sucking the life out of a rosebush near the train station. There were clumps of them – white, fluffy clumps of sap-sucking aphids preying on the life juices of the rose bush. Then, Kristoff saw that there were also ladybugs on the rose bush. The red and black beetles were feasting on the sorry, little botanical vampires. It made him smile; somehow, he knew that the rosebush will be right as rain, and he got off the bench that he was sitting on to head back home.

Last Friday, Kristoff thought that the bench near the train station was rather uncomfortable, and he thought that he couldn’t bear sitting on it anymore. Every time he sat on it, the hole where a nail should have been seemed to suck in his skin and make the bottom of his pelvic bone chafe onto the wood. It felt abrasive and raw. He would not have continued sitting there if not for the doves that flocked in front of the train station, swarming at bread crumbs and the French toast that he has thrown on the black and grey pavement to keep most of the birds cooing near where he waited. The cooing made him feel impervious to the irritation that waiting caused him, bringing him back to a time where all he needed to hear was the sound of Taylor’s giggles.

“Ummm, that’s so sweet of you, Kristoff,” he recalled what Taylor had said as he was handing her a bouquet of roses – a going-away present to wish her luck in her studies in Milan.

“Well, what can I say? I want you to remember what you’ll be missing for four years. Are you sure that you can’t just study here? We have good universities here, too, you know?”

“Oh come on, Kristoff. It’s only four years,” the memory of Taylor in Kristoff’s head went on. “I thought that we are through this? I promise that I’ll come back to you as soon as possible. I’ll come back to you even if I were already in a coffin lined with satin and gilded with roses.” He thought that she was always morbid.

“Don’t say things like that. It’s creeping me out.”

“What!?! If I die, I want to be buried in a coffin with silver roses as decoration. That’s why you love me. You love my attention for detail! Hahaha!” she joked. “But promise me that you’ll wait for me, ok?”

“Do I even have to? You know that I will. I will wait for you here every day if I have to.”
With mischief in her eyes, she said, “I’ll hold you to it.”

Then, instead of the deep, rumbling of iron train wheels, the sound of flapping wings shook him back to reality. Kristoff let out a deep sigh as the memory faded away. He got up, and headed for home when the last of the sunshine followed the lead of the evanescing thought.

Last month, Kristoff noticed that the street lamps went on at exactly 5:57 PM. He wouldn’t have noticed if not for his cellular phone sounding an alarm. He had set an alarm for that exact time because he had an appointment to keep with Mr. Lathenbaum, the store keeper of the bookstore right beside the station. He had a book from Africa for Kristoff.

“What a chilly evening to you, young fella,” Mr. Lathenbaum said as he was hauling some boxes full of books inside his store when they first spoke to each other back in November.

“Good evening to you, too, sir,” answered Kristoff. “That’s a mighty big box of books you’re hauling there. Do you need any help?” offered Kristoff in all earnest.

Hesitating but feeling his aching back due to arthritis, the old man answered, “I don’t want to bother you. It seems that you’re waiting for someone, but these books are really doing a good job of following the law of gravity.”

“No, I insist, sir.”

“All right. If you insist. The name’s Lathenbaum, Lysander Lathenbaum, bibliophile extraordinaire!”

Without any second thoughts, Kristoff took the box from the old bibliophile and asked, “It’s nice meeting you, Mr. Lathenbaum. Kristoff Jones at your service. Where do you want these to go?”

“Would you kindly put that on the counter? And for your trouble, we’ll guzzle down some vodka.”

Bashfully, Kristoff obliged. Mr. Lathenbaum realized that he always saw Kristoff on the same crummy bench, which he also absolutely disdained for those nails that stuck out. As he was pouring the vodka, he asked,

“What are you doing there in the cold, young man? Oh, youth! Good thing you can still enjoy a crisp evening, so savor it while you can. You see, when you get as old as I am, your bones will not be comfortable with each other. It seems that in my case, my backbones have argued, and now, they’re fighting each other. Oh, flabberfruits! I’m prattling. Where was I? Ah, yes, what are you doing there sitting in the cold?”

“I’m waiting for a special friend.”

“A lady friend?”

“You’re still sharp. You’re not as old as you think,” Kristoff chided.

That evening, Mr. Lathenbaum learnt of Kristoff, Taylor, and the tryst that should have happened a year ago. Since they weren’t strangers anymore, Kristoff always made it a point to say good afternoon to his elderly acquaintance before he sat patiently on his waiting bench. And as such, the two acquaintances became friends. Just like that, Mr. Lathenbaum came to know that Kristoff was looking for a book about Anansi and other African legends.

That month, Kristoff was accompanied by the tales of Anansi, the wise, mischievous spider from Africa. He was so amused of Anansi and the adventures that he totally forgot the alarm that he set. On the next day, it sounded again, and magically, the street lamps went aglow.

“Coincidence?” Kristoff wondered, so he didn’t put out the alarm on his cellular; for a week, he monitored, and for a week, the street lamps never failed him. They all went on at exactly 5:57 in the afternoon with our without darkness.

A few months back, maybe four or five, Kristoff noticed that the bench paint was wearing out. It was wearing out on the left side, the side where Kristoff took out a nasty nail with its exposed head irritating Kristoff’s behind. With pliers that he took out of his tool shed because of sheer irritation, he awkwardly tried to pry out that dastardly nail out of the wood, trying his best not to attract that crowds that poured in and out of the train station. With all his effort, he was able to succeed in taking out the nail, but to his surprise, the hole left by the nail on the wood didn’t make comfortable in any way.

After pulling that nail out, Kristoff’s waiting bench offered him a dilemma – to sit on the right side where there was another nail sticking its head out to irritate those who unwittingly sit on it or to sit on the left side where there’s a vindictive hole on the wood that is Kristoff’s punishment for tampering with the bench. In the end, Kristoff decided to own up to his actions, be a man, and accept his punishment. He always sat on the left side of that bench ever since. With the help of the doves, he was able to tune out of the irritation, and wait patiently. He just noticed the fading paint because he had to avoid some bird droppings that landed on his usual seat.

However, today, Kristoff didn’t leave the bench anymore. He didn’t say hello to Mr. Lathenbaum. He didn’t feed the doves that kept him company. He didn’t draw close enough to notice if the ladybugs have eaten all of the aphids off of the rose bush. He wasn’t even able to stand up from the train station bench that was especially painful on his buttocks.

He just sat there staring with the help of the flickering 5:57 street lights, staring at a telegram he was holding. It read:

Dear Kristoff,

Guess who’s finally coming home at 5:30 PM, March 18? Train station. Don’t be late.

All my love,

“I am not late, but where are you?” he asked as though Taylor was standing right in front of him.
Earlier this morning, this telegram made him run to his kitchen and cook an especially hearty breakfast. He cooked a cheese omelet, toasted some bread, and indulged on cottage cheese. Then, he prepared for work, and he took some changing clothes excitedly out from his closet. He folded them nicely to avoid roughing them up for this much awaited reunion. When he was ready, he dashed down the staircase, side-tripped to the kitchen, and snatched the two telegrams that he fished out of the mailbox.

With giant but gleeful strides, he sped out the door. He made quick work of his lawn, reaching the sidewalk in only three seconds when it usually took him a minute to get there. With briefcase in hand, heavy with paperwork and clothes, he fumbled for his keys to lock his gridiron gate.

The day went so fast that he forgot to read the other telegram until he got to the bench. He got there at 5:28 PM. He sat patiently until 5:30, but when 5:31 came, he was fidgeting. He took out Taylor’s telegram to pass away the time. He looked at it until he couldn’t see the letters anymore. He was thankful when 5:57 came; with the aid of the street lights, he’ll be able to read the telegram again.

As he was holding the piece of paper, he realized that he hasn’t read the other telegram, so he took it out. After reading, the street lamp beside him seemed to have read the telegram, and its light flickered. He couldn’t tell if the lights dimmed, or if he blacked out. All he wasn’t able to read the entirety of the message, but he got the message clear. He should be at the train station at 6:00 PM to meet a white mahogany box lined with satin and gilded with silver roses.


Terms and Conditions

Monday, December 7, 2009

Richard is easy to deal with.

If you him to listen to you, give him food.

If you want some advice, make sure that you follow whatever he tells you.

That’s it.


An Odd SMS and an Odd Essay

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tonight, I received an odd SMS from my friend, Judy. The message says this:

mr know it ol, is der any truth 2 dis: human minds r linked w/ ich other thru neuron activities w/c means if ur thnking of sum1 ol day long, dat pers0n is pr0bably thnking of u. how 2 debunk dis?

Out of pure weirdness, I composed an email, which sounded like an essay.

Dear Judy,

Although it may be argued that human minds can be linked by neural activities, there is little scientific proof to this. Even twins claiming that there is such a thing as telepathy, when subjected under rigorous scientific measurements, were not able to present a conclusive correlation to the claim. Pure neural activity may not be enough to connect two people together and prove that person A can think of person B to encourage person B to think about the person A. Although this thought seems logical, it exists as a fallacy proven by biochemistry, behavioral psychology, and the Butterfly Effect.

On the other hand, we can involve several other factors, starting from the neural activities, to link 2 people together. However, this discussion might need that the two people involved share a close proximity with each other. For instance, Jane is thinking about Tarzan. Neural processes, the release of neurochemicals and bioelectric signals, may cause Jane to act differently, almost on an unconscious level, while Tarzan is nearby. As animals, humans may emit pheromones that are unconsciously detected by Tarzan, causing him to think of Jane.

Another alternative may be body language. Jane might look at Tarzan, drop her stare, and look at Tarzan once again. As an animal, Tarzan would tend to be vigilant of his surroundings and may notice Jane's "odd" or "unconventional" behavior, which might puzzle Tarzan into thinking about why Jane is acting like a crazy stalker. On the other hand, Tarzan might misinterpret this as a show of interest and could motivate him to think that Jane is expressing interest in him. Thus, this train of thought follows the idea of perceived body language creating thoughts about another individual.

On the other hand, if a person ascribes to any esoteric school of thought, it could be argued under the Butterfly Effect that the subtlest of things can cause a drastic and chaotic chain of events that leads to a specific goal. The firing of a neuron would indeed have enough force to set an innumerable chain of events to happen that will ultimately hit the target person, but as the basis of the Butterfly Effect is still a flux of events happening in succession, we cannot argue that neural activity is enough. In fact, it will lead into a vicious cycle: if Jane thought of Tarzan, then Tarzan would have been thinking of Jane, too, but who started all of this? The confusion within this vicious cycle may be pragmatically solved by merely generalizing that neural activity is the basis of the intricate web of connection, but logically, it exists as a slippery slope fallacy.

As such, mere thought might not be enough to absolutely prove the connection. It may be a hasty generalization that needs a close examination of other factors that might be involved. Such factors consist of biochemistry, behavior, sensation and perception. Even following the esoteric Butterfly Effect would only show the deficit in the generalization by presenting a vicious cycle. These factors might indeed help predispose one person to think of the other, debunking the idea that pure neural activity can achieve the desired effect.

¿Contesté yo la pregunta?

I don’t know what she’ll say to this, but it’s worth the wait. At any rate, it seems that I was not successful in debunking the theory – or was I?


Christmas Wish List

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I was walking the other night with my friend, Judy, along a transport terminal when I realized what I wanted for Christmas. I don’t exactly know if this is simple or difficult, but here is my wish list:

1. Inland Territory, the latest album of Vienna Teng.

I can’t seem to find any here in the Philippines, so I’m really desperate to have one.

2. A short story written especially for me.

I don’t have any specific reason for this, but I do have a plan about it. Just in case that I receive several stories, I would compile the ones that I’ll like and publish them in my blog. Wouldn’t that be fun?

I hope to get all the things that I wish for, but I just don’t know if it will happen.


Wisdom Tooth

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wisdom_tooth_Muela_del_juicio_by_FrealaF Last week was a very weird week. Monday started out really slow. I was feeling very odd, and I was cross most of the time. I kept on snapping at people for the smallest things. I was also silent most of the day because I had a hard time reviewing essays and giving my comments. I felt so dumb that day. Little did I know that it would be the start of a very painful tooth ache.

At around 3:00 PM, I started feeling pain from my right molar. A few years back, I seemed to have broken my tooth, my right wisdom tooth, while eating sisig, a local dish. I just ignored it until this month, my tooth ached. Before I went home, I asked my supervisor if I could take the day off so that I could have my tooth fixed. Luckily, she told me that I could work from home so that I could still do my job and go to the dentist.

Tuesday afternoon, I went to the dentist and had my molar fixed. She said that the tooth has cracked and I only had 3 parts of the tooth left because I left the crack untreated for so long. Good thing, yet again, that the dentist can still fix it with light cure fillings. However, I can’t bite on anything hard anymore. She told me that I need to take care not to do that so that the tooth won’t shatter.

Wednesday came, and I went back to work, feeling all happy and jolly. I said good morning to my officemates, and after an hour of sitting at my desk, a very funny realization hit me:

I think I acted foolishly because of my tooth ache. The tooth that shattered was my wisdom tooth. When I got it fixed, I felt alright! My work felt easier to do because, probably, my wisdom came back when my wisdom tooth got fixed. LOL!


Michael Jackson Medley

Thursday, October 1, 2009

When I die, I want to be honored like this:

Credits: Sam Tsui - Vocals Kurt Schneider - Arrangement, Production www.myspace.com/SamTsui www.myspace.com/KurtHugo


Boredom, Typhoon, and Work Over the Weekend

Monday, September 28, 2009

The title almost sums it up. Since last Wednesday, it's been raining here because of a typhoon. Too bad that I had to still work while I hear other people rejoicing -- especially the kids -- because they didn't have to go to school. In addition to the envy that I felt, the typhoon decided to pour so much water that it flooded my street up to the knees with brown, rushing water. Stuck and imprisoned inside my own house, I felt so bored, and so, the Devil's workshop started ticking, bringing me these wonderful Facebook status messages:

Thursday, September 24, 2009, 9:24 AM:
It takes an iron will to just sit still, confident in your own righteousness.

Thursday, September 24, 2009, 9:39 PM: 
The last five steps of the journey cannot be rushed. A traveller still needs to ignore the blisters on his feet, and he still needs to overcome the fear of cramping up when he is so close to the destination. Can anyone lend the traveller a hand and cook some bacon, waft the smell of honey-cured meat so that the weary traveller can look forward to a hearty meal after a long, tiring journey?

Friday, September 25, 2009, 12:12 PM: 
When the lonely traveller is gets stabbed by a thorn, he walks faster because he knows that the rose he is looking for tells him that he is on the right track.

Saturday, September 26, 2009, 3:52 PM: 
The flood, oh, the flood! The overabundance of water makes deep, burried feelings bob on the surface.

It was a good thing that the flood subsided early Sunday morning. Otherwise, I would have flooded my Facebook account with nonsensical sentiments. How are you all doing, Philippines?


Introducing the Memapost

Friday, September 18, 2009

In all my years of blogging, I have encountered strange things. I've found a blog that features Post-it drawings. I also found other blogs that post random things like funny conversations that they overhear. A few months back, I was flipping through another blog, which was just about normal life events of a girl, when I read about this curious term: memapost. As I was reading through her blog, the writer explained that the memapost is actually a shortened version of a Tagalog phrase. Literally, it means "para lang me ma-post." Roughly, it can be translated as "just so that I can post something." The term was so fascinating that I immediately latched on to it.

As such, I was wondering what to post for today, so for inspiration, I went on to my Facebook account and clicked on the Pandora's Box application. It generates random pictures submitted by the people who has that application in their Facebook accounts, too. After a few worthless pictures, I found this:

Richard open the Pandora's Box and found Jessica Alba

the cuttest girl ever :>

Usually, I would put comments about the things that I'd find from that application, and here's what I wrote:

I don't know but she looks like God's failed attempt when He was creating Angelina Jolie.

Would anybody dare to compare? And as such, this blog post is now, officially a memapost. Until next time. Cheers!


Happy Birthday, FLIP / still!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

September 14, 2009. FLIP / still, the umpteenth blog of Richard is born at exactly 3:00 AM, Manila Time.

I flip through blogs. Hence, part of this blog's name is FLIP. Still, I keep on making new blogs every now and then over a period of almost 15 years now. Hence, part of this blog's name is still.

Kate would laugh out loud when she finally sees this blog. As a long-time friend, we've been through several blogs in each of our own lives. I think she is on her fourth one. I think I am on my 15th. On the other hand, I can't trust my own counting because I have already lost track of how many I have. "You know, Chad, you're a serial blogger," Kate said to me one day. I said, "No! I sure am not." She'd laugh in triumph for being so accurate in labeling me as a serial blogger.

Before, I had themes for my blog. I seem to make one when a new phase in my life comes up. For example, I once had "Orange Fantasies" to mark out the time when my favorite color was orange. Now, it's green so that blog is already dead. I also had a cheesy blog, "Just Look Back," to mark a melancholic and pensive mood, which almost was a death warrant to that blog since it was only done on a whim. When the wind wafted the whim away, the blog was blown away with it.

I still have other blogs that are still active. For now, I am keeping my stories flowing in "The Ivory Tower" but the stories are running short, and gaps between posts have been longer. I also keep "Ang Pinoy Aquarium," which is in Filipino; I've been interested in keeping fish for a long time now, so I guess that blog might stay a while. To ensure its survival, I got a friend to help me update it, although he's not the most prolific writer. Hopefully, I could keep this blog alive as well.

In this blog, expect to read about flip ideas. Hopefully, I could keep myself still long enough to make this blog the last blog I will ever make.



Friday, July 10, 2009

Sometimes, we can only see the beauty of things we take for granted when we change our perspective.

As I was bored out of my wits last week, I took a picture of our rafters. It was a half-hearted shot and a surprise when the picture came out really well. The over exposure of the lower left part of the picture contrasted nicely with the underexposed top right portion. The shadows were really dark and the light parts exposed the ridges of our roof.

With that first picture, I started to look around the house and tried to find other parts of the house that would look good on camera given the proper angle and perspectives.

The left middle picture, the one colored pink is my current bed spread. The right middle picture is the jalousie frame of my window. The bottom picture is of our bench in the living room. All these pictures came out really well.

However, I took the pictures with the black and white setting of my camera phone so I decided to colorize the photographs to add more appeal.

Given that I am not a professional at this, I would like to say that I am proud of these pictures because they surprised me; I always thought that our house was quite ugly and unfinished, but when I looked at it with a different perspective, I was able to appreciate its beauty.


Red Headed Match

Friday, April 17, 2009

With a single red headed match,
I ignite,
burst into flame,
die out,
turn to ashes,
fly into the wind,
and settle
on your forehead.

It's ironic that it only takes a single red headed match
for you to notice my presence,
yet, brush me off
back into the wind.


Shall I Write About You Now?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A spark.
Then, a fire.
Everything is set; my cigarette is lit.

Shall I write about you now?
I guess I should. Surely, I can
easily whittle you down
into a perfect metaphor on paper
but in writing this verse,
I succumb to the greatest temptation:


mere maps that only approximate
and cannot dictate where exactly
in my heart the sun sheds light on you
or where it fails to reveal shadowy sorrows
you fervently endure.

Did you whisper your woes to me?

In the subtlest ways, maybe,
like the way teardrops dry up on your cheek.

rising but never drifting straight in the air,
smoke mimics how I contemplate
gazing at the red ember,
half-expecting epiphanies to fall,
like ashes from my nearly spent cigarette.


A Prayer

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Say it softly
after cleaning the crystal cabinet;

While opening the door,
certain things drop
into consciousness. At every remembering,
ripples of sorrow stir the air.

Dust settles on glass and crystals.

It almost sounds like a prayer:
wiping specks off, using a rag moist with tears.

try to forgive Forgetting
for trying to covet,
in layers, memories
stacked on shelves.

After restoring everything into the sparkle of grace,
turn to leave them all,
saying softly



Midnight Paintings

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The full moon rising.
Fingernail clippings are thrown
into the darkness.

Sorrow is present
in between the faint moanings
of tall bamboo stems.

A man's open palms.
Appearing into the sky -
fiery thunderbolts.

An old scab is picked
revealing the bloody moon.
Dark clouds separate.

Silver boughs glisten
as sun rays penetrate clouds
after a night's dream.

March 14th, 2007



Thursday, January 1, 2009


De Sade beams at you
-delighting at the sound of dead leaves crunching
underneath your taunting feet;
-gulping in deep breaths, wonderment,
when blowing away dandelion down, shrieking
as you scattered them into disrememberment;
-giggling at how a brook bitterly bottles up tears
while it sulks;
and yet, I still stay, yearning
as empty bottles and blank sheets of paper
-clinking to stall being abraded by silence
-flipping at the slightest breeze
so that dust won't bury me under your conciousness
next to crushed leaves,
bald dandelion heads,
and wet choked sniffs
as Masoch applauds.

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About Me

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Richard is a serial blogger. He has killed most of the blogs that he made. Join him in his adventure as he flips through life.

About This Blog

Born out of a compulsion, this blog seems to be the incarnation of my bohemian passion for writing and visual arts. Please rummage through my work and tell me what you think!
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