A Prayer

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Say it softly
after cleaning the crystal cabinet;

While opening the door,
certain things drop
into consciousness. At every remembering,
ripples of sorrow stir the air.

Dust settles on glass and crystals.

It almost sounds like a prayer:
wiping specks off, using a rag moist with tears.

try to forgive Forgetting
for trying to covet,
in layers, memories
stacked on shelves.

After restoring everything into the sparkle of grace,
turn to leave them all,
saying softly



Midnight Paintings

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The full moon rising.
Fingernail clippings are thrown
into the darkness.

Sorrow is present
in between the faint moanings
of tall bamboo stems.

A man's open palms.
Appearing into the sky -
fiery thunderbolts.

An old scab is picked
revealing the bloody moon.
Dark clouds separate.

Silver boughs glisten
as sun rays penetrate clouds
after a night's dream.

March 14th, 2007



Thursday, January 1, 2009


De Sade beams at you
-delighting at the sound of dead leaves crunching
underneath your taunting feet;
-gulping in deep breaths, wonderment,
when blowing away dandelion down, shrieking
as you scattered them into disrememberment;
-giggling at how a brook bitterly bottles up tears
while it sulks;
and yet, I still stay, yearning
as empty bottles and blank sheets of paper
-clinking to stall being abraded by silence
-flipping at the slightest breeze
so that dust won't bury me under your conciousness
next to crushed leaves,
bald dandelion heads,
and wet choked sniffs
as Masoch applauds.

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Richard is a serial blogger. He has killed most of the blogs that he made. Join him in his adventure as he flips through life.

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Born out of a compulsion, this blog seems to be the incarnation of my bohemian passion for writing and visual arts. Please rummage through my work and tell me what you think!
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