
Friday, July 10, 2009

Sometimes, we can only see the beauty of things we take for granted when we change our perspective.

As I was bored out of my wits last week, I took a picture of our rafters. It was a half-hearted shot and a surprise when the picture came out really well. The over exposure of the lower left part of the picture contrasted nicely with the underexposed top right portion. The shadows were really dark and the light parts exposed the ridges of our roof.

With that first picture, I started to look around the house and tried to find other parts of the house that would look good on camera given the proper angle and perspectives.

The left middle picture, the one colored pink is my current bed spread. The right middle picture is the jalousie frame of my window. The bottom picture is of our bench in the living room. All these pictures came out really well.

However, I took the pictures with the black and white setting of my camera phone so I decided to colorize the photographs to add more appeal.

Given that I am not a professional at this, I would like to say that I am proud of these pictures because they surprised me; I always thought that our house was quite ugly and unfinished, but when I looked at it with a different perspective, I was able to appreciate its beauty.

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Richard is a serial blogger. He has killed most of the blogs that he made. Join him in his adventure as he flips through life.

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Born out of a compulsion, this blog seems to be the incarnation of my bohemian passion for writing and visual arts. Please rummage through my work and tell me what you think!
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